1. No Gun May exceed 300 FPS, 280 is recommended.
2. Approved Full Face Mask/Goggle systems must be worn at all times past the registration area, and when testing your marker at the target range.
3. No shooting into or out of the registration area, staging areas or parking areas. All markers must have barrel plugs in while in these areas. Barrel plugs are not squeegees or rags or towels. Marker may only be discharged on the playing field or at the target range.
4. Do not shoot at wildlife.
5. Do not shoot at airplanes, automobiles, etc.
6. No climbing of trees or on top of structures.
7. No potentially dangerous gear. Players may not bring any form of tools onto the playing field. No types of firearms, pyrotechnics or explosives are allowed. The game site operator must approve all personal equipment.
8. Avoid field hazards.
9. Construct no booby traps.
10. No alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed on the premises.
11. Smoking in designated areas only. Smoking in the playing area will result in immediate ejection from the ER Park property.
12. No verbal abuse.
13. Do not attempt to remove the power sources or any part from the rental markers.
14. Do not leave the markers in direct sunlight.
15. Referees decisions are final. No player will be allowed to argue with any referee.
16. Spectators must also wear full-face mask/goggle systems with ear protection unless behind the safety nets 10 feet.
17. All other players are to be treated with respect and good sportsmanship on and off of our fields.
18. No usage of any other air except ER Parks will be permitted. Please do not bring your own “scuba” tanks.
19. No paint bought at Department Stores or other "box" stores is allowed.* The reason for this is for your own safety. Such paint is not guaranteed safe.
20. For violation of these rules, or at its discretion, ER Park Paintball may ask a player to leave immediately.
Here are a few of the most common questions people have about the sport of paintball. Please feel free to call the store if you have any questions.
What is Paintball?
It’s a sport in which a bunch of adults (loosely defined) go out in the woods or specially designed fields and relive our childhood by playing capture the flag. Only, in this game each player has a gun that fires gelatin capsules filled with a water-soluble marking dye. If you’re shot and marked, you’re out of the game and have to wait until the next one starts. The most common variation is two teams at opposite ends of a playing field, each with a flag hung at ‘home base.’ The object is to go get the other team’s flag and bring it back to your base. When you encounter people on the other team, you try to tag them out before they get you. Pretty simple and lots of fun.
Is it safe?
Like all action sports (football, racquetball, basket-ball, hockey, etc.) paintball is potentially dangerous unless adequate protection is worn (most importantly: eye protection) and safety rules are understood and followed. Most paintball guns shoot a 68 caliber paint pellet. The pellet is a thin plastic shell filled with a water soluble paint. Guns shoot the pellets at a speed of 200 to 300 feet per second. Since the paint pellets are fairly light (only weighing a few grams each), they have little momentum while in flight, and thus are not lethal like the heavy lead projectiles fired from conventional firearms. In addition to using a non-lethal projectile, paintball players *always* wear protective goggles to protect their eyes and usually wear masks covering the rest of their face as well. Safety is highly stressed at most fields. Many fields require goggles be worn at all times unless in designated areas. Many fields also require that barrel plugs (plastic inserts that prevent projectiles from leaving your gun’s barrel) be used while players are in certain areas. Ignoring safety is a good way to get yourself ejected from a field.
Age Limits?
Anyone 9 years old or older can play paintball. Ages 9-18 are regulated on a field by field basis. Typically, when accompanied by an adult (no you don’t have to play - but you should), younger people are allowed to play.
Doesn’t it hurt when you get shot?
The paint pellets break open upon impact, and generally cause very little pain. What pain is experienced is more of a stinging sensation from the pellet’s impact against the skin or through clothing. In my experience, the stinging pain goes away after a few seconds. Of course, the closer you are to the muzzle of the gun, the higher the velocity of the pellet when it hits you. Thus, more pain may be experienced when shot at close range rather than farther away. In general, one can count on coming off the field with a few welts from paintball impacts, but your most annoying injuries are more likely to be scrapes and bruises from the local terrain.
We also offer low impact paintball which is a great option if concerned with the stinging sensation from the standard paintball.
Do I have to be on a team?
You don’t have to have an organized team or go to an organized field in order to play. If you have some paintball guns, paintball goggles, and a few friends, you can simply get together and shoot at each other. Most commercial fields allow walk-on games, where anybody can show up and play.
How can I play?
Almost all paintball ‘fields’ rent guns and welcome new players. Fields can be found using the internet. A good resource is www.Paintball-Guns.com, yellow pages (look under ‘Firearms’ or ‘Sports Equipment’), local newspapers, or ads in a number of the paintball magazines.
What kind of Paintball Field should I look for?
For the first few games you should play on a well organized field. Size is not the best way to judge the field. The things to watch for are the number of referees on the field for each game and the explanation of the rules. The rules of safety and specific rules for the field/game should be clearly stated by a referee before anyone steps foot on the field to play. There should also be a sufficient number of referees for the number of players, one referee cannot handle a field with fifty people on it. If these conditions are not met, you should seriously consider waiting for your first day until you find a field better suited to a beginner.
What do I need to bring?
The field owner may not supply food or have facilities where food can be bought so a lunch and snacks should be brought just in case. Bring water, lots of water. Bring old, sturdy, dark clothes and shoes or boots with some sort of ankle support. Toilet paper to clean your mask and gun and perhaps an old towel to clean yourself off, just in case.
What safety equipment do I need?
The minimum safety equipment necessary is goggles, face-mask with ear and throat protection, and, for men, a protective cup.
How can I play safe?
Do not shoot animals or wildlife. Never shoot in the staging area. Do not fire your paint gun anywhere except on the field during the game or in the designated chronograph area/shooting range. Inspect the lens of your goggles for cracks or signs of weakness. Make sure your mask is well seated and will not come off during the game. Make sure the velocity of your paint gun is below 300 feet per second. Always assume the gun is loaded; even if you know otherwise. Always assume safety devices won’t work. Unload the gun when not in use. Upon receiving or retrieving a gun check if it’s loaded. Anytime you are carrying a paintball gun in a ’safe zone’ such as the parking lot or staging area where people are not wearing goggles, you MUST have a barrel plug in the barrel. If possible engage the safety or turn off the air supply, so the paintball gun will not fire accidentally. Know the rules of the game and abide by them. Never remove facemasks or goggles while on the field. Do not play when very tired or hungry. Bring food or money to buy food from field. Most injuries occur at the end of the day when players are exhausted. NEVER look down the barrel. Not even with protection. If barrel needs checking remove from the gun and check. If the barrel cannot be removed, disconnect all CO2/CA equipment, test fire the gun downrange until no more air is left in the gun, clear the breech or ball loading area, and then, carefully and while wearing goggles, glance down the barrel. Notify the field owner or manager of any medical conditions, allergies etc.
Do I need to be physically fit to play?
Not really, but it will help. As with all strenuous exercise participants should stretch and warm up before playing. Since typical games require quick sprints followed by a rest having good aerobic fitness is beneficial. Players should gauge their play to their level of fitness. All players in poor physical condition or with physically limiting conditions should consult a physician before playing. Proper footwear is very important. Some players find that lightweight canvas topped army boots or leather work boots protect feet and ankles in the woods. Other players prefer the support that sneakers give, as paintball does involve running. Personal preferences vary, but footwear should not be overlooked. Sports cleats are excellent for playing in.
Can I get the paint out of my clothes?
Paint is water soluble and should wash out as normal.

6401 SHERIDAN STREET - HOLLYWOOD, FL 33024 (954) 986-9089